
Tuesday, February 10, 2015

The Dark

   I start writing this on impulse. Despite how much I say I hate the darkness, I actually love it. I love its mysteriousness, how the moon faintly illuminates the earth below it, how it casts ominous shadows. I say I don't like the darkness, but whenever I look out the window late at night (more like the very wee hours in the morning, like 1 or 2 AM), I'm reminded of how much I actually find the night very enchanting.
   Now I don't find the dark and nighttime themselves to be all that frightening. However, like I've mentioned in a previous post, it's what lies in the shadows that scares me. As a paranoid person, I scare myself into thinking that some psycho man is going to jump out of the bushes at night and kidnap me, a thought that holds some merit. It has happened many a time in real life to a real person. And watching Criminal Minds certainly doesn't help those nagging, paranoid thoughts to subside.
   We live in a scary world, filled with insidious people who do terrible things. And children are (rightly) raised to be wary of those people. And they've learned that doing things or going out at night, especially alone, can be dangerous, as those predators lurk in the shadows. And this is what angers me, not just because they have- I have to interject here, stream of consciousness style, to say I just typed in the word 'insidious' in a different tab to find synonyms (because my limited vocabulary fails me; story of my life); and the movie titled as the same word instantly popped up; then of course the images came up too of the creepy little boy and some crazy lady with wild hair and bulging eyes. Let me tell you, it is not a very nice experience to be surprised by pictures of some demonic possessed boy and insane lady with wily hair at 1 o'clock in the morning when you're already writing about darkness and scary people!- disgusting motives but because of them, I can't take a nice moonlit stroll down the street because who the heck knows who's going to jump out at me and stab me with a knife. Call me crazy. But these stupid, treacherous, selfish, dangerous, disgusting, cowardly, embarrassing-to-the-human-race people prevent me from going out at night to enjoy the moon and its beauty. Sure, of course I can go out; it's not like these people are forcing me to stay inside. But I'd rather not risk getting kidnapped. Maybe I'm just too fearful, or perhaps too cautious. Call it what you will.
   I write to vent my frustrations with the world, to (stupidly, naively) hope that someday it will change. World peace, or something like that. I sound like a Miss America contestant answering the question, "What is the one thing our society needs?" And I sweetly answer, "World peace," *rolls my eyes* But hopefully in the future, kids won't have to be afraid of the night predators that hide in the dark corners and crevices. They can walk freely without the darting eyes, the nagging thought, the paranoid feeling that someone will jump out and throw them in a van. Again, call me crazy.

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